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CSS(구 GitHub 클린코딩, 미디어쿼리(Media Query))

by code2772 2022. 11. 12.

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    구 GitHub 클린코딩 국비지원 과제로 한 내용이지만 필요없는데 있는 내용이나 이상한 부분이 많습니다. 개인 복습용 저장공간입니다.

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    ✔ HTML 부분

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              <p style = "margin-bottom:20px ;color: gray;" >GitHub fosters a fast, and collabprative development process<br>
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                  <p class="job__story">GitHub is home to millions of open</p>
                  <p class="job__story">source projects, Try one our or get</p>
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                  <p class="job__story">whith hundreds of integrations, GitHub is</p>
                  <p class="job__story">flexible enough to be at the center of</p>
                  <p class="job__story">your development process.</p>
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            <div style= "margin-bottom: 10px;"><h2>where is GitHub ?</h2></div>
            <p style="color: gray;">GitHub is where people build software. More than 18 million people use Github to</p>
            <p style = "margin-bottom:30px ; color: gray;" >discover, fork, and contribute to over 48 million project</p>
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              <div class="edu" style="margin-top: 20px;">public projects are always free. Work together
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                <li style="color: black;">2016 GitHub.inc</li>
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                <li>Contact Github</li>
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    ✔ CSS 부분

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